HAJM - Aba Segud airport
HAJM stands for Aba Segud airport
Here you will find, what does HAJM stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Aba Segud airport? Aba Segud airport can be abbreviated as HAJM What does HAJM stand for? HAJM stands for Aba Segud airport. What does Aba Segud airport mean?Aba Segud airport is an expansion of HAJM
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Alternative definitions of HAJM
View 2 other definitions of HAJM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HAJJ Jijiga airport
- HUE Humera airport
- HAHU Humera airport
- HAHS Hossana airport
- HAHM Harar Meda airport
- HAGU Gura airport
- HAGR Gore airport
- HAGO Gode airport
- HAGN Gonder airport
- HAGM Gambella airport
- HAGL Galadi airport
- HAGH Ghinnir airport
- HAGB Goba airport
- HAFN Fincha airport
- HADT Debre Tabor airport
- HADR Aba Tenna Dejazmatch Yilma International airport
- HADO Dodola airport
- HADN Danguilla airport
- HADM Debre Marcos airport
- HADL Dallol airport